Yukari Katsura

University of Tokyo, Japan

Yukari Katsura

Starrydata: An Open Database for Experimental Material Data Curated from Published Plots

Abstract: Plot images are the richest sources of experimental data in the papers of materials sciences. Each field of materials science has typical plot formats to show the material properties. By extracting the data from the plot images in those formats, we created a large dataset for materials informatics of the real world. We developed a web system named Starrydata2, to assist the data curators to extract plot data and organize the data from custom lists of publications. So far, we have collected experimental data from 33,000+ physical samples of thermoelectric materials, and 3,500+ physical samples of magnet materials. The system can be used both for academic and commercial purposes, by citing our paper on Starrydata[1] and the original publications of the data. Data analysis and machine learning of these data enabled the overviewing the characters of the parent compounds, and machine-learning of the material properties from compositions. 
[1] Y. Katsura, M. Kumagai et al., Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater. 20 (2019) 511-520.


Yukari Katsura is a Senior Researcher in the Materials Database Group, Materials Data Platform Center, Materials Database Group, Research and Services Division of Materials Data and Integrated System, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan, since November 2020. She also works as a Project Assistant Professor, Department of Advanced Materials Science, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, the University of Tokyo, and a Guest Researcher in Molecular Informatics Team, RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project. She started her research career as an experimental search for boride superconductors, and received Ph.D. in the Department of Applied Chemistry, the University of Tokyo in 2009. During her post-doc careers in RIKEN and the University of Tokyo, she searched for new thermoelectric materials, mainly from first-principles calculations. She joined NIMS as a guest researcher in 2015, to join the MI2I project and contribute for materials informatics. She collaborated with Dr. Masaya Kumagai in 2015, to start development of the Starrydata web system.